
More frequently now than ever before business and personal disputes that traditionally would have been resolved by way of litigation are now being dealt through a mediation process.  At JCW Rea & Son we passionately believe in creative problem solving and encourage our clients to consider mediation where appropriate.

Mediation is a method of assisting parties to settle their differences with the involvement of a third party who facilitates discussion with a view to resolution of the dispute.

The process is without prejudice and non-binding until the parties agree otherwise.  Often an acceptable outcome can be achieved less stressfully, less publicly and less expensively than through the traditional legal route.  If a mediation is unsuccessful parties still have the option to use the court process.

In many cases it has the additional benefits of resolving disputes while retaining or rebuilding personal and business relationships and dealing with peripheral but important issues, which a court cannot do.

The outcome of a successful civil or commercial mediation is a binding agreement providing a certain, and ultimately enforceable, resolution to the dispute.

All three of our Partners are trained and accredited mediators.  Linda Johnston is accredited by CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution) London;  Martin Hanna is accredited by the Law Society of Northern Ireland; and Claire Edgar is accredited by Family Mediation Northern Ireland.

For further information or for a free, no obligation discussion please contact our office by email