Financial Ombudman Service (FOS) complaints

We advise our insurance clients with complaints submitted to the FOS where, for whatever reason, the policyholder is not happy with the way that a claim has been handled.  

At JCW Rea & Son we can provide comprehensive advices to our insurance clients in relation to complaints, often meeting with the policyholder to see if a situation can be resolved informally and sensitively first without the need for a formal complaint to be lodged.

This personal approach from someone within our jurisdiction, who can set out why a course of action is adopted often helps a policyholder to better understand a position and may therefore avoid a complaint being lodged.

We pride ourselves on our personal approach and our ability to “cut to the chase” dealing with a problem quickly and efficiently before it grows and becomes more complex to deal with.

For further information or for a free, no obligation discussion please contact our office by email.